Timed Up and Go (TUG) Test - Summit Professional Education
Timed Up & Go Test {TUG) Health Professionals are asked to assess annually all patients who are 65 years or older Directions: The timed "Up and Go" test measures, in seconds, the time taken by an individual to stand up from a standard arm chair, walk a distance of 3 metres, turn, walk back to the chair and sit down .. The subject wears their Timed Up and Go Test (TUG) - Spinal Cord Injury Research ... Bland-Altman plot indicated that inter-rater reliability was better than intra-rater reliability and that repeatability of the test depends on patient’s walking performance. [Van Hedel, Wirz & Dietz 2005] Validity: Correlation of the Timed Up and Go test is excellent with the: 10 Meter Walk Test (Spearman’s r=-0.646) (PDF) The timed “up and go” test: Reliability and validity ... The timed “up and go” test: Reliability and validity in persons with unilateral lower limb amputation
20. Dez. 2012 Der Timed up and go Test (engl.: Zeitdauer für Aufstehen und Gehen) ist ein einfacher Mobilitätstest zur Beurteilung der Beweglichkeit bzw. ASSESSMENT Timed Up & Go (TUG) Timed Up & Go (TUG) When I say “Go,” I want you to: 1. Stand up from the chair. 2. Walk to the line on the floor at your normal pace. 3. Turn. 4. Walk back to the chair at your normal pace. 5. Sit down again. OBSERVATIONS 1 Instruct the patient: An older adult who takes ≥12 seconds to complete the TUG is at risk for falling. NOTE: Always stay by Timed “up & go -Test Timed “up & go”-Test © F. Treusch (2009) www.arztpraxistreusch.de Timed “up & go”-Test (modifiziert nach D. Podsiadlo & S. Richardson) Durchführung: Timed Up and Go (TUG) Test - University of Nebraska ... Timed Up and Go (TUG) Test. 1. Equipment: arm chair, tape measure, tape, stop watch. 2. Begin the test with the subject sitting correctly (hips all of the way to the back of the seat) in a chair with arm rests. The chair should be stable and positioned such that it will not move when the subject moves from sit to stand.
TIMED-UP-AND-GO (TUG) TEST . The Calgary Zone Fall Prevention Initiative recommends the Timed Up & Go (TUG) test as a screen to identify falls risk, and for identification of gait and balance abnormalities. We recommend a cut-off score of ≥ 15 seconds as predictive of falls risk (referenced from the Canadian Fall Prevention Curriculum, 2007). Timed up & go test Jul 15, 2004 · THE TIMED UP & GO TESTFOR FALL RISK ASSESSMENT Doctors are asked to assess annually all patients who are 65 years or older using the Timed Up & Go Test. The Timed Up & Go Test 1. Patient is in a seated position. 2. Place a visible object 8 feet away from the patient. 3. Have the patient get up and walk around the object and sit back down. Escalas de evaluación del Equilibrio Timed Up & Go (Levántate y anda) (Podsialo y Richardson, 1991) Paciente bien sentado contra el respaldo de la silla, con apoya brazos. Brazos descansando sobre los muslos, y los pies colocados justo detrás de la línea de partida. Marcar un recorrido de 3 metros desde la línea de partida hacia una pared. Evaluador: se ubica de pie, a media distancia entre la línea de partida y …
Timed Up & Go (TUG) test | MOBILIDADE FUNCIONAL EM ... Timed Up & Go (TUG) Consiste em levantar-se de uma cadeira, sem ajuda dos braços, andar a uma distância de três metros, dar a volta e retornar. No início do teste, o paciente deve estar com o dorso apoiado no encosto da cadeira e, ao final, deve encostar novamente. Timed Up and Go | RehabMeasures Database Nov 06, 2013 · The patient sits in the chair with his/her back against the chair back. On the command “go,” the patient rises from the chair, walks 3 meters at a comfortable and safe pace, turns, walks back to the chair and sits down. Timing begins at the instruction “go” and stops when the patient is seated. Materials for Healthcare Providers | STEADI - Older Adult ...
Functional Acute Care Tests & Measures Page 19 Timed Up & Go Test [TUG] Purpose: Developed as a quick, clinical test of functional gait abilities for the elderly.1 Modifications: Having patient perform TUG with usual gait speed and at a face pace is one modification.